My Posting
Tombol Depressible (JavaScript-Tutorial-Maskibow) - On Maskibow Tombol Depressible (JavaScript-Tutorial-Maskibow)
Original Script By
: Erik Arvidsson
Revised Script By
: Maskibow
Script Work In
: Internet Explorer
Deskripsi :
Script ini digunakan untuk aktifitas link yang berbentuk tombol/ button, dan tombol
disini merupakan gabungan dari beberapa tombol yang dapat dipadukan baik secara
vertikal maupun horizontal sesuai dengan keperluan lw bro....,untuk agar lebih menawan sebaiknya gunakan
bebagai visual dari script HTML untuk berbagai efek teks maupun gambar! efek-efek tersebut dapat muncul apabila
kamu tepat menggatur tag-nya, ya seperti <span>, <div>, <td>
dll aje deh bro.
Contoh :
Ini contoh menggunakan fungsi table :
Ini contoh menggunakan fungsi <DIV> :
Free Software
Free Games
Info Tutorial
Langkah 1: Copy dan taruh script dibawah ini dan letakan posisinya dibawah
code <HEAD> pada webpage kamu atau bisa juga pada postingan kamu jika menulis
postingan menggunakan HTML:
Langkah 2: Jika yang diatas tersebut sudah dijalankan maka, Copy dan
taruh script di bawah ini di bawah code <BODY> pada webpage kamu atau bisa juga
pada postingan kamu jika menulis postingan menggunakan HTML:
Pilih Semua
<div class="coolBar" align="center"><font size=3" font face="Comic Sans MS" color="red">
<span class="coolButton" style="width:120px" onClick="window.location=''"><b>Home</b></span>
<span class="coolButton" style="width:120px" onClick="window.location=''"><b>Free Software</b></span>
<span class="coolButton" style="width:120px" onClick="window.location=''"><b>Free Games</b></span>
<span class="coolButton" style="width:120px" onClick="window.location=''"><b>Info Tutorial</b></span>
Label: Button Menu , Tutorial , Tutorial 1 , TWeb , TWeb 6
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Original Script By
: Erik Arvidsson
Revised Script By
: Maskibow
Script Work In
: Internet Explorer
Deskripsi :
Script ini digunakan untuk aktifitas link yang berbentuk tombol/ button, dan tombol
disini merupakan gabungan dari beberapa tombol yang dapat dipadukan baik secara
vertikal maupun horizontal sesuai dengan keperluan lw bro....,untuk agar lebih menawan sebaiknya gunakan
bebagai visual dari script HTML untuk berbagai efek teks maupun gambar! efek-efek tersebut dapat muncul apabila
kamu tepat menggatur tag-nya, ya seperti <span>, <div>, <td>
dll aje deh bro.
Contoh :
Ini contoh menggunakan fungsi table :
Ini contoh menggunakan fungsi <DIV> :
Free Software
Free Games
Info Tutorial
Langkah 1: Copy dan taruh script dibawah ini dan letakan posisinya dibawah
code <HEAD> pada webpage kamu atau bisa juga pada postingan kamu jika menulis
postingan menggunakan HTML:
Pilih Semua
<script type="text/javascript">
document.onmouseover = doOver;
document.onmouseout = doOut;
document.onmousedown = doDown;
document.onmouseup = doUp;
function doOver() {
var toEl = getReal(window.event.toElement, "className", "coolButton");
var fromEl = getReal(window.event.fromElement, "className", "coolButton");
if (toEl == fromEl) return;
var el = toEl;
// alert(el);
// var cDisabled = el.getAttribute("cDisabled");
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
// alert(cDisabled);
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
if (el.className == "coolButton")
el.onselectstart = new Function("return false");
if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
function doOut() {
var toEl = getReal(window.event.toElement, "className", "coolButton");
var fromEl = getReal(window.event.fromElement, "className", "coolButton");
if (toEl == fromEl) return;
var el = fromEl;
// var cDisabled = el.getAttribute("cDisabled");
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
var cToggle = el.cToggle;
toggle_disabled = (cToggle != null); // If CTOGGLE atribute is present
if (cToggle && el.value) {
else if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
function doDown() {
el = getReal(window.event.srcElement, "className", "coolButton");
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
function doUp() {
el = getReal(window.event.srcElement, "className", "coolButton");
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
function getReal(el, type, value) {
temp = el;
while ((temp != null) && (temp.tagName != "BODY")) {
if (eval("temp." + type) == value) {
el = temp;
return el;
temp = temp.parentElement;
return el;
function findChildren(el, type, value) {
var children = el.children;
var tmp = new Array();
var j=0;
for (var i=0; i<children.length; i++) {
if (eval("children[i]." + type + "==\"" + value + "\"")) {
tmp[tmp.length] = children[i];
tmp = tmp.concat(findChildren(children[i], type, value));
return tmp;
function disable(el) {
if (document.readyState != "complete") {
window.setTimeout("disable(" + + ")", 100); // If document not finished rendered try later.
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
if (!cDisabled) {
el.cDisabled = true;
el.innerHTML = '<span style="background: buttonshadow; width: 100%; height: 100%; text-align: center;">' +
'<span style="filter:Mask(Color=buttonface) DropShadow(Color=buttonhighlight, OffX=1, OffY=1, Positive=0); height: 100%; width: 100%%; text-align: center;">' +
el.innerHTML +
'</span>' +
if (el.onclick != null) {
el.cDisabled_onclick = el.onclick;
el.onclick = null;
function enable(el) {
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
if (cDisabled) {
el.cDisabled = null;
el.innerHTML = el.children[0].children[0].innerHTML;
if (el.cDisabled_onclick != null) {
el.onclick = el.cDisabled_onclick;
el.cDisabled_onclick = null;
function addToggle(el) {
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
var cToggle = el.cToggle;
cToggle = (cToggle != null); // If CTOGGLE atribute is present
if (!cToggle && !cDisabled) {
el.cToggle = true;
if (el.value == null)
el.value = 0; // Start as not pressed down
if (el.onclick != null)
el.cToggle_onclick = el.onclick; // Backup the onclick
el.cToggle_onclick = "";
el.onclick = new Function("toggle(" + +"); " + + ".cToggle_onclick();");
function removeToggle(el) {
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
var cToggle = el.cToggle;
cToggle = (cToggle != null); // If CTOGGLE atribute is present
if (cToggle && !cDisabled) {
el.cToggle = null;
if (el.value) {
if (el.cToggle_onclick != null) {
el.onclick = el.cToggle_onclick;
el.cToggle_onclick = null;
function toggle(el) {
el.value = !el.value;
if (el.value) = "URL(/images/tileback.gif)";
else = "";
// doOut(el);
function makeFlat(el) {
with ( {
background = "";
border = "1px solid buttonface";
padding = "1px";
function makeRaised(el) {
with ( {
borderLeft = "1px solid buttonhighlight";
borderRight = "1px solid buttonshadow";
borderTop = "1px solid buttonhighlight";
borderBottom = "1px solid buttonshadow";
padding = "1px";
function makePressed(el) {
with ( {
borderLeft = "1px solid buttonshadow";
borderRight = "1px solid buttonhighlight";
borderTop = "1px solid buttonshadow";
borderBottom = "1px solid buttonhighlight";
paddingTop = "2px";
paddingLeft = "2px";
paddingBottom = "0px";
paddingRight = "0px";
function makeGray(el,b) {
var filtval;
if (b)
filtval = "gray()";
filtval = "";
var imgs = findChildren(el, "tagName", "IMG");
for (var i=0; i<imgs.length; i++) {
imgs[i].style.filter = filtval;
document.write(".coolBar {background: buttonface;border-top: 1px solid buttonhighlight; border-left: 1px solid buttonhighlight; border-bottom: 1px solid buttonshadow; border-right: 1px solid buttonshadow; padding: 2px; font: menu;}");
document.write(".coolButton {border: 1px solid buttonface; padding: 1px; text-align: center; cursor: default;}");
document.write(".coolButton IMG {filter: gray();}");
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60; URL=">
Langkah 2: Jika yang diatas tersebut sudah dijalankan maka, Copy dan
taruh script di bawah ini di bawah code <BODY> pada webpage kamu atau bisa juga
pada postingan kamu jika menulis postingan menggunakan HTML:
Pilih Semua
<div class="coolBar" align="center"><font size=3" font face="Comic Sans MS" color="red">
<span class="coolButton" style="width:120px" onClick="window.location=''"><b>Home</b></span>
<span class="coolButton" style="width:120px" onClick="window.location=''"><b>Free Software</b></span>
<span class="coolButton" style="width:120px" onClick="window.location=''"><b>Free Games</b></span>
<span class="coolButton" style="width:120px" onClick="window.location=''"><b>Info Tutorial</b></span>
Label: Button Menu , Tutorial , Tutorial 1 , TWeb , TWeb 6
Original Script By
: Erik Arvidsson
Revised Script By
: Maskibow
Script Work In
: Internet Explorer
Deskripsi :
Script ini digunakan untuk aktifitas link yang berbentuk tombol/ button, dan tombol
disini merupakan gabungan dari beberapa tombol yang dapat dipadukan baik secara
vertikal maupun horizontal sesuai dengan keperluan lw bro....,untuk agar lebih menawan sebaiknya gunakan
bebagai visual dari script HTML untuk berbagai efek teks maupun gambar! efek-efek tersebut dapat muncul apabila
kamu tepat menggatur tag-nya, ya seperti <span>, <div>, <td>
dll aje deh bro.
Contoh :
Ini contoh menggunakan fungsi table :
Ini contoh menggunakan fungsi <DIV> :
Free Software
Free Games
Info Tutorial
Langkah 1: Copy dan taruh script dibawah ini dan letakan posisinya dibawah
code <HEAD> pada webpage kamu atau bisa juga pada postingan kamu jika menulis
postingan menggunakan HTML:
Pilih Semua
<script type="text/javascript">
document.onmouseover = doOver;
document.onmouseout = doOut;
document.onmousedown = doDown;
document.onmouseup = doUp;
function doOver() {
var toEl = getReal(window.event.toElement, "className", "coolButton");
var fromEl = getReal(window.event.fromElement, "className", "coolButton");
if (toEl == fromEl) return;
var el = toEl;
// alert(el);
// var cDisabled = el.getAttribute("cDisabled");
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
// alert(cDisabled);
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
if (el.className == "coolButton")
el.onselectstart = new Function("return false");
if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
function doOut() {
var toEl = getReal(window.event.toElement, "className", "coolButton");
var fromEl = getReal(window.event.fromElement, "className", "coolButton");
if (toEl == fromEl) return;
var el = fromEl;
// var cDisabled = el.getAttribute("cDisabled");
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
var cToggle = el.cToggle;
toggle_disabled = (cToggle != null); // If CTOGGLE atribute is present
if (cToggle && el.value) {
else if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
function doDown() {
el = getReal(window.event.srcElement, "className", "coolButton");
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
function doUp() {
el = getReal(window.event.srcElement, "className", "coolButton");
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
function getReal(el, type, value) {
temp = el;
while ((temp != null) && (temp.tagName != "BODY")) {
if (eval("temp." + type) == value) {
el = temp;
return el;
temp = temp.parentElement;
return el;
function findChildren(el, type, value) {
var children = el.children;
var tmp = new Array();
var j=0;
for (var i=0; i<children.length; i++) {
if (eval("children[i]." + type + "==\"" + value + "\"")) {
tmp[tmp.length] = children[i];
tmp = tmp.concat(findChildren(children[i], type, value));
return tmp;
function disable(el) {
if (document.readyState != "complete") {
window.setTimeout("disable(" + + ")", 100); // If document not finished rendered try later.
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
if (!cDisabled) {
el.cDisabled = true;
el.innerHTML = '<span style="background: buttonshadow; width: 100%; height: 100%; text-align: center;">' +
'<span style="filter:Mask(Color=buttonface) DropShadow(Color=buttonhighlight, OffX=1, OffY=1, Positive=0); height: 100%; width: 100%%; text-align: center;">' +
el.innerHTML +
'</span>' +
if (el.onclick != null) {
el.cDisabled_onclick = el.onclick;
el.onclick = null;
function enable(el) {
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
if (cDisabled) {
el.cDisabled = null;
el.innerHTML = el.children[0].children[0].innerHTML;
if (el.cDisabled_onclick != null) {
el.onclick = el.cDisabled_onclick;
el.cDisabled_onclick = null;
function addToggle(el) {
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
var cToggle = el.cToggle;
cToggle = (cToggle != null); // If CTOGGLE atribute is present
if (!cToggle && !cDisabled) {
el.cToggle = true;
if (el.value == null)
el.value = 0; // Start as not pressed down
if (el.onclick != null)
el.cToggle_onclick = el.onclick; // Backup the onclick
el.cToggle_onclick = "";
el.onclick = new Function("toggle(" + +"); " + + ".cToggle_onclick();");
function removeToggle(el) {
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
var cToggle = el.cToggle;
cToggle = (cToggle != null); // If CTOGGLE atribute is present
if (cToggle && !cDisabled) {
el.cToggle = null;
if (el.value) {
if (el.cToggle_onclick != null) {
el.onclick = el.cToggle_onclick;
el.cToggle_onclick = null;
function toggle(el) {
el.value = !el.value;
if (el.value) = "URL(/images/tileback.gif)";
else = "";
// doOut(el);
function makeFlat(el) {
with ( {
background = "";
border = "1px solid buttonface";
padding = "1px";
function makeRaised(el) {
with ( {
borderLeft = "1px solid buttonhighlight";
borderRight = "1px solid buttonshadow";
borderTop = "1px solid buttonhighlight";
borderBottom = "1px solid buttonshadow";
padding = "1px";
function makePressed(el) {
with ( {
borderLeft = "1px solid buttonshadow";
borderRight = "1px solid buttonhighlight";
borderTop = "1px solid buttonshadow";
borderBottom = "1px solid buttonhighlight";
paddingTop = "2px";
paddingLeft = "2px";
paddingBottom = "0px";
paddingRight = "0px";
function makeGray(el,b) {
var filtval;
if (b)
filtval = "gray()";
filtval = "";
var imgs = findChildren(el, "tagName", "IMG");
for (var i=0; i<imgs.length; i++) {
imgs[i].style.filter = filtval;
document.write(".coolBar {background: buttonface;border-top: 1px solid buttonhighlight; border-left: 1px solid buttonhighlight; border-bottom: 1px solid buttonshadow; border-right: 1px solid buttonshadow; padding: 2px; font: menu;}");
document.write(".coolButton {border: 1px solid buttonface; padding: 1px; text-align: center; cursor: default;}");
document.write(".coolButton IMG {filter: gray();}");
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60; URL=">
Langkah 2: Jika yang diatas tersebut sudah dijalankan maka, Copy dan
taruh script di bawah ini di bawah code <BODY> pada webpage kamu atau bisa juga
pada postingan kamu jika menulis postingan menggunakan HTML:
Pilih Semua
<div class="coolBar" align="center"><font size=3" font face="Comic Sans MS" color="red">
<span class="coolButton" style="width:120px" onClick="window.location=''"><b>Home</b></span>
<span class="coolButton" style="width:120px" onClick="window.location=''"><b>Free Software</b></span>
<span class="coolButton" style="width:120px" onClick="window.location=''"><b>Free Games</b></span>
<span class="coolButton" style="width:120px" onClick="window.location=''"><b>Info Tutorial</b></span>
Label: Button Menu , Tutorial , Tutorial 1 , TWeb , TWeb 6
8 stars -10 stars -10 Komentar Over 1,500,000
4 stars-
Original Script By
: Erik Arvidsson
Revised Script By
: Maskibow
Script Work In
: Internet Explorer
Deskripsi :
Script ini digunakan untuk aktifitas link yang berbentuk tombol/ button, dan tombol
disini merupakan gabungan dari beberapa tombol yang dapat dipadukan baik secara
vertikal maupun horizontal sesuai dengan keperluan lw bro....,untuk agar lebih menawan sebaiknya gunakan
bebagai visual dari script HTML untuk berbagai efek teks maupun gambar! efek-efek tersebut dapat muncul apabila
kamu tepat menggatur tag-nya, ya seperti <span>, <div>, <td>
dll aje deh bro.
Contoh :
Ini contoh menggunakan fungsi table :
Ini contoh menggunakan fungsi <DIV> :
Free Software
Free Games
Info Tutorial
Langkah 1: Copy dan taruh script dibawah ini dan letakan posisinya dibawah
code <HEAD> pada webpage kamu atau bisa juga pada postingan kamu jika menulis
postingan menggunakan HTML:
Pilih Semua
<script type="text/javascript">
document.onmouseover = doOver;
document.onmouseout = doOut;
document.onmousedown = doDown;
document.onmouseup = doUp;
function doOver() {
var toEl = getReal(window.event.toElement, "className", "coolButton");
var fromEl = getReal(window.event.fromElement, "className", "coolButton");
if (toEl == fromEl) return;
var el = toEl;
// alert(el);
// var cDisabled = el.getAttribute("cDisabled");
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
// alert(cDisabled);
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
if (el.className == "coolButton")
el.onselectstart = new Function("return false");
if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
function doOut() {
var toEl = getReal(window.event.toElement, "className", "coolButton");
var fromEl = getReal(window.event.fromElement, "className", "coolButton");
if (toEl == fromEl) return;
var el = fromEl;
// var cDisabled = el.getAttribute("cDisabled");
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
var cToggle = el.cToggle;
toggle_disabled = (cToggle != null); // If CTOGGLE atribute is present
if (cToggle && el.value) {
else if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
function doDown() {
el = getReal(window.event.srcElement, "className", "coolButton");
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
function doUp() {
el = getReal(window.event.srcElement, "className", "coolButton");
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
function getReal(el, type, value) {
temp = el;
while ((temp != null) && (temp.tagName != "BODY")) {
if (eval("temp." + type) == value) {
el = temp;
return el;
temp = temp.parentElement;
return el;
function findChildren(el, type, value) {
var children = el.children;
var tmp = new Array();
var j=0;
for (var i=0; i<children.length; i++) {
if (eval("children[i]." + type + "==\"" + value + "\"")) {
tmp[tmp.length] = children[i];
tmp = tmp.concat(findChildren(children[i], type, value));
return tmp;
function disable(el) {
if (document.readyState != "complete") {
window.setTimeout("disable(" + + ")", 100); // If document not finished rendered try later.
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
if (!cDisabled) {
el.cDisabled = true;
el.innerHTML = '<span style="background: buttonshadow; width: 100%; height: 100%; text-align: center;">' +
'<span style="filter:Mask(Color=buttonface) DropShadow(Color=buttonhighlight, OffX=1, OffY=1, Positive=0); height: 100%; width: 100%%; text-align: center;">' +
el.innerHTML +
'</span>' +
if (el.onclick != null) {
el.cDisabled_onclick = el.onclick;
el.onclick = null;
function enable(el) {
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
if (cDisabled) {
el.cDisabled = null;
el.innerHTML = el.children[0].children[0].innerHTML;
if (el.cDisabled_onclick != null) {
el.onclick = el.cDisabled_onclick;
el.cDisabled_onclick = null;
function addToggle(el) {
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
var cToggle = el.cToggle;
cToggle = (cToggle != null); // If CTOGGLE atribute is present
if (!cToggle && !cDisabled) {
el.cToggle = true;
if (el.value == null)
el.value = 0; // Start as not pressed down
if (el.onclick != null)
el.cToggle_onclick = el.onclick; // Backup the onclick
el.cToggle_onclick = "";
el.onclick = new Function("toggle(" + +"); " + + ".cToggle_onclick();");
function removeToggle(el) {
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
var cToggle = el.cToggle;
cToggle = (cToggle != null); // If CTOGGLE atribute is present
if (cToggle && !cDisabled) {
el.cToggle = null;
if (el.value) {
if (el.cToggle_onclick != null) {
el.onclick = el.cToggle_onclick;
el.cToggle_onclick = null;
function toggle(el) {
el.value = !el.value;
if (el.value) = "URL(/images/tileback.gif)";
else = "";
// doOut(el);
function makeFlat(el) {
with ( {
background = "";
border = "1px solid buttonface";
padding = "1px";
function makeRaised(el) {
with ( {
borderLeft = "1px solid buttonhighlight";
borderRight = "1px solid buttonshadow";
borderTop = "1px solid buttonhighlight";
borderBottom = "1px solid buttonshadow";
padding = "1px";
function makePressed(el) {
with ( {
borderLeft = "1px solid buttonshadow";
borderRight = "1px solid buttonhighlight";
borderTop = "1px solid buttonshadow";
borderBottom = "1px solid buttonhighlight";
paddingTop = "2px";
paddingLeft = "2px";
paddingBottom = "0px";
paddingRight = "0px";
function makeGray(el,b) {
var filtval;
if (b)
filtval = "gray()";
filtval = "";
var imgs = findChildren(el, "tagName", "IMG");
for (var i=0; i<imgs.length; i++) {
imgs[i].style.filter = filtval;
document.write(".coolBar {background: buttonface;border-top: 1px solid buttonhighlight; border-left: 1px solid buttonhighlight; border-bottom: 1px solid buttonshadow; border-right: 1px solid buttonshadow; padding: 2px; font: menu;}");
document.write(".coolButton {border: 1px solid buttonface; padding: 1px; text-align: center; cursor: default;}");
document.write(".coolButton IMG {filter: gray();}");
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60; URL=">
Langkah 2: Jika yang diatas tersebut sudah dijalankan maka, Copy dan
taruh script di bawah ini di bawah code <BODY> pada webpage kamu atau bisa juga
pada postingan kamu jika menulis postingan menggunakan HTML:
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<div class="coolBar" align="center"><font size=3" font face="Comic Sans MS" color="red">
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